Nadina Helen Bakos - Thesis: Social Entrepreneurship in Scandinavia

Nadina Helen Bakos has published her thesis - Social Entrepreneurship in Scandinavia
December 2024

This thesis examines social entrepreneurship in the three Scandinavian countries Sweden, Denmark and Norway, and studies the scientific, political, and practical approach to entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship. Through comparative study of economic theories, and field survey with 27 respondents from Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, the thesis explains how and why social entrepreneurship is important for the economic development in Scandinavia. Findings reveal that there has been considerable activity in the field of social entrepreneurship for the last 25 years. The thesis contributes to the ongoing discussions on social entrepreneurship and its role in development of the Scandinavian countries. Nadina Helen Bakos is an Honorary Research Fellow at Fil. Dr. Jan-U. Sandal Institute in Norway. She has studied social entrepreneurship since 2009.

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