

2021 to 2023

Land, Inheritance and Firstborn Problematics

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Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals artikkel

Land, Inheritance and Firstborn Problematics

Is published in


Modern Economics No. 25


To read full article Click here

In this article land as the first input factor in the classical production function is analyzed. In economic theory, land is linked to heritage and the firstborn problematics. The methods used are based on history of entrepreneurial research, philosophy, legal and theological aspects. Land represents both opportunities but also obstacles, especially in connection with the firstborn problematics.

Principles Of Lending And Borrowing

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Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals artikkel

Principles Of Lending And Borrowing In Social Entrepreneurship

Is published in


III International Scientific and Practical Conference "Financial Instruments for Sustainable Economic Development"

April 2021

To read full article Click here

Social entrepreneurship is the modern way of making the world a better place for everyone [1]. Carrying out the new combinations of the first and second input factors in the production function creates an innovation that represents the dynamic change in the economy. The innovation alters the static patterns and elevates competition to a higher technological level. The old static way of production and competition cannot follow. In turn, traditional players on the market will have either to transform or drop out.
The entrepreneur is a single individual and only entrepreneurs can make innovations in the sense of creating something new that has never been on the market, or has the capacity to decrease the production cost per unit, i.e. a higher physical product that has the capacity of creating an entrepreneurial profit. Entrepreneurship is thoroughly explained by Joseph A. Schumpeter in his book The Theory of Economic Development [2].

Innovation management based on judgmental decision

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Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals article

Innovation management based on judgmental decision

Is published in

 No 830 Scientific Journal of Yuriy Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University. Economics

June 2021

To read full article Click here

The relevance of the topic analyzed is of emerging interest in the innovation and entrepreneurial field of economic and social scientific research. The object of the study is to penetrate the differences between business management and innovation management. International independent science, which excludes all kinds of endogenous and exogenous involvement in the scientific process, is the methods behind the study. The issues discussed in the article are the roots and traditional meaning of management, the philosophy of business and social entrepreneurship, ethical and practical principle of money and vanity as motivating factors and driving forces behind the outcomes for the worker, the principles and consequences of judgmental discussion making, non-hedonistic and motivating factors for the entrepreneur, development and entrepreneurial profit, the creation of a better world for everyone based on the capacity of the social entrepreneurs. The goal of international independent science as a method is to present the scientific truth, which manifests the conclusion of this article.

Independent Science And The Doctor Of Philosophy Title

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Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals article

Independent Science And The Doctor Of Philosophy Title

Is published in

Role Of Higher Education Institutions In Society: Challenges, Tendencies And Perspectives - Academic Papers - Nr. 1 (9)

June 2021

To read full article Click here

The Doctor title actually means teacher and has been considered the highest academic title achievable in science for hundreds of years. The title Doctor of Philosophy indicated a life dedicated to learning, knowledge and the spread of knowledge and was usually awarded only when the individual was in middle age. An academic title does not reflect a specific job and follows other rights than the working titles. There are no universal system or level of scientific achievement behind the Doctor title throughout the world today. Each nation has their own interests and systems behind the academic Doctor titles. Is this monopolized practice beneficial for independent science in a modern world, or is there a need for changes?
Keywords: Doctor of Philosophy title, university, independent science, freedom.


What is Independence and How to Use it?

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Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals speech

What is Independence and How to Use it?

Is published in

Access Journal - Access to Science, Business, Innovation in the Digital Economy

September 2021

To read full article Click here

Speech - September 10, 2021


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine - International Scientific and Practical Conference
Acting Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ms. Larysa Komakha has the honor to invite Professor, Doctor of Philosophy Jan-Urban Sandal to speak at the Plenary Session of the Conference


Social Entrepreneurship and Human Rights

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Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals article

Social Entrepreneurship and Human Rights

Is published in

2nd International Online Conference "Current Legal Challenges: Human Rights Protection in Pandemic"
October 22, 2021, Chernivtsi, Ukraine

To read full article Click here

The main goal of social entrepreneurship is to make the world a better place for everyone. This process of change is carried out by social entrepreneurs. They are men and women with a specific dedication to using their potential and resources in their effort to create successful solutions and introduce the new products, methods, materials, or organizations in the markets or to open new markets. Public authorities cannot perform the same services as do social entrepreneurs. Social entrepreneurship is an individual and personal process. The social entrepreneur is the one to make decision on how to use the production input factors leading to a successful innovation. Making judgmental decisions is the method of the entrepreneurs, analyzing and predicting the consequences of the conclusions, both on short and long terms before the action has taken place. Parliamentarism, like all other democratically based bodies, make legal decisions by collecting votes, a system that can never guarantee the right solution.

Competition or Innovation?

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Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals article

Competition or Innovation?

Is published in

Materials International Scientific and Practical Internet Conferences "Competitiveness and Innovation: Problems of Science and Practice »

November 19, 2021

To read full article Click here

Joseph A. Schumpeter (1883 – 1950) is considered among many as the father of innovation. There is a widespread view among both theorists and practitioners that Schumpeter’s definition of entrepreneur is the core of entrepreneurship, which focuses on innovation and entrepreneurship in the development of the social sector. In his book Theorie der Wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung, 1912, he introduced the entrepreneur as an independent social agent in the economy [3].
The entrepreneur makes a new combination of the first and second input factors in the production function and thereby creates innovation. Schumpeter underlies that innovation implies that one is able to do something that previously could not be done, or at least not so efficiently or economically. Innovation is an impulsive alteration from static production. Static production means producing more of the same and inevitably bring the economy to an optimum and accordingly stagnation, leading the march from capitalism into socialism, a horrifying ideology that cannot work. According to Schumpeter, development of the economy as a whole, and thereby an advancement into real democracy, is only possible when innovations successfully are introduced in the

Principles of Tithing Money in Capitalism

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Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals article

Principles of Tithing Money in Capitalism

Is published in

lV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Financial Instruments for Sustainable Economic Development"

May 2022

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Community finance as a basis for a sustainable economy is usually considered being a process within the static economy, based on known data in the meaning that the same things happen year after year. Sustainable indicates that there will be a constant supply and demand of finances, both on the supply and demand side of the circular flow. Economic theory is perfectly equipped to the analyzes and understanding of growth within the static production. Changes in the non-social data (natural conditions) or in non-economic social data (effects of war, changes in commercial, social, or economic policy), or in consumers' preferences belong to the static economy. The static economy shows a tendency towards an equilibrium position, even though not necessarily the same one. Changes in data will indisputably change the direction of production and thereby a new equilibrium position. Economic growth based on growth of population and wealth will not be considered as a process of development according to Joseph Schumpeter: “For it calls forth no qualitatively new phenomena, but only processes of adaptation of the same kind as the changes in the natural data”


Change in Business Developement

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Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals article

Change in Business Developement

Is published in

Role Of Higher Education Institutions In Society: Challenges, Tendencies And Perspectives

May 2022

To read full article Click here

Change in the economic system is the opposite of static economy. The economy is characterized by being in a static position before a change in the business environment is taking place. When changes take place in the non-social data, non-economic social data or in consumers` preferences, the static economy will inevitably change accordingly. Anyhow, this is only what we understand as changes by small steps, and is a natural fluctuation in the static economy. Economic development occurs when radical, unpredicted and discontinuous shifts take place and alter the way of production. What is causing the spontaneous change that leads to new equilibrium in the economy?
Keywords: Changing business environment, political propaganda, horrible ideologies, religious lies, innovation, production function.


The Purpose of the Nation

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Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals speech

The Purpose of the Nation

Is published in

Access Journal 2022.3.3

September 2022

To read full speech Click here

August 22, 2022 09.30 – 12.30 PLENNARY SESSION AND ROUND TABLE
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service


Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ms. Larysa Komakha has the honor to invite Professor, Doctor of Philosophy Jan-Urban Sandal to join the International Round Table and to address its participants with a welcome speech


Democracy and Economic Growth....

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Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals article

Democracy and Economic Growth: Some Classical Approaches

Is published in

International Scientific and Practical Conference
30 Years
of Independence of Ukraine:
Achievements, Challenges and Prospects

September 2021

To read full article Click here

Even thou the European form of parliamentarism dates back to the twelfth century, the eighteen–century philosophy of democracy may constitute the classic doctrine, according to Joseph A. Schumpeter: «the democratic method is that institutional arrangement for arriving at political decisions which realizes the common good by making people itself decide issues through the election of individuals who are to assemble in order to carry out its will» [5, p. 250]. This specific democratic method deals with two main issues; the common good and the will of the people.
The common good does not necessarily cover the definition or content of the good life as expressed by Aristotle, which is that the end and purpose of the polis is the good life, or Adam Smith, stating that good life equals material goods, intellectual and moral excellences of character. There is
no such thing as the common good that all people could agree on or be forced to agree on by rational arguments or violations, mainly because different group belongings have different value systems and thus different wants and desires.


The Price of Independence....

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Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals article

The Price of Independence

Is published in

Kyiv National University, the Names of Taras Shevchenka Educational and Scientific Institute Public Administration and Civil Service

Independence of Ukrain: Modern Doctrine and Practice of Public Administration
Materials of the international round table to the Independence Day of Ukraine

August 2022

To read full article Click here

What is more valuable, peace or freedom? Peace with liberty is the goal; peace without freedom is slavery. Independence always has a price. The price of independence is the opportunity cost ofgetting something done, that is, the unpleasant outcomes one must accept or experience in order toachieve a specific goal or do something. Independence is the rights and capability to live without being assisted or manipulated by other people or structures. Throughout history, this notion has been essential to great thinkers.
Patrick Henry addressing the House on March 23, 1775 on Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death: «Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace – but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren
are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!» [1].




Independence by Innovation 

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Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals speech

Independence by Innovation

Is published in

Management Mechanisms, Development of Territories

November 2022

To read full speech Click here


October 26, 2022, 12.00 PLENARY SESSION

Valentyna Yakobchuk, Head of Department of Economics, Intellectual Property and Public Administration of Polissia National University, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor, has the honor to invite Professor, Doctor of Philosophy Jan-Urban Sandal to address the participants with a welcome speech

Oleg Skydan, Rector of Polissia National University, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Valentyna Yakobchuk, Head of Department of Economics, Intellectual Property and Public Administration of Polissia National University, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor, Members of the main table, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,


Innovation – the Foundation of Entrepreneurship  

Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals article

Innovation – the Foundation of Entrepreneurship

Is published in

Modern Economics, 35(2022), 106-111.

December 2022

To read full article Click here

Abstract. Introduction. The article deals with a number of research questions. The main questions are what are the roots and definitions of innovation and entrepreneurship, who is the entrepreneur, what role does gender play, what are the consequences of interest on productive loans, what is the meaning of innovation managements and do organizations create innovations.


CFO as Strategic Management ....   

КОНф 2022JanU

Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals article

CFO as Strategic Management of Competitiveness
based on Innovation

Is published in

Problems Of Science And Practice

November 2022

To read full article Click here

CFO, which is short for Company Futuristic Officer, has become popular in recent years in the business and company environment worldwide. Futuristic deals with something that is very modern, strange or something that has not yet been, but is intended to arise from some imagined time, product, service, market or position in the future.Futuristic does not exist here and now, but exists only in the imagination and vision of what will happen and exist in the future.


Social Entrepreneurs And The Family  

Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals article

Social Entrepreneurs And The Familyn

Is published in

Material from: III International scientific and practical online conference

December 2022

To read full article Click here

In his book, Teorie der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung, published 1912, Professor Schumpeter underlines the importance of the family. “The more life becomes rationalised, levelled, democratised, and the more transient becomes the relations of the individual to concrete people (especially in the family circle) and to concrete things (to a concrete factory or to an ancestral home), the more many of the motives enumerated in the second chapter lose their importance and the more the entrepreneur`s grip on profit loses its power” [1: 155].




2023 Conference CHERNIVTSI

Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals article


Is published in

Material from: III International scientific and practical online conference

April 2023

To read full article Click here

The principle of sustainable development relies on the idea that human societies can exist and develop their needs without taking a toll on the ability of future generations to satisfy their needs. In this context, music has a critical role to play, because music is essential for human survival and human development. Western classical music is considered a formal component of Western Culture made by individual composers and shaped by their personalities and beliefs. Classical music is not the fruit of community financing as a basis of a sustainable economy or an input factor in a financial system or production function; it does not represent human capital or labor in any aspect. Music is like the lifeblood of culture and strengthens individual and collective identity. Especially when it comes to the activity of playing the piano, the benefits for the individual and the society are overwhelming. 

Innovation In Music  

2023 Conference CHERNIVTSI

Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals article

Innovation In Music

Is published in

Role Of Higher Education Institutions In Society: Challenges, Tendencies And Perspectives

April 2023

To read full article Click here

Innovation in music relates to what is in music and how innovation changes the pattern and expression of contemporary music at the point of time when the new combinations of land and labor in production of music occur. The art music of the Western world has developed from one era to another over the time span of early and modern capitalism. Each period of music refers to a common-practice tonality, known by names of composers and performers, is characterized by formality and complexity in its musical form and harmony and is considered a formal component of Western culture made by individual composers and shaped by their personalities and beliefs.



God's Economic System   


Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals article

God's Economic System

Is published in

Modern Economics, #40 (2023)

August 2023

To read full article Click here

Abstract. Introduction. This article analyzes God’s economic system based on biblical scriptures. The Bible contains perspectives that are favorable to man and society. There are basically two economic system in the world today; one is to satisfy human needs and desires through hard work as much as that is possible, and the other is based on biblical principles in the Word of God.


Speech - Growth and Development 

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Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals Welcome Speech


Is published in

MECHANISMS FOR MANAGING THE DEVELOPMENT OF TERRITORIES Scientific works of the participants of the International Scientific and Practical Conference Section 1 Zhytomyr

November 2023

To read full speech Click here


October 26, 2022, 12.00 PLENARY SESSION

Valentyna Yakobchuk, Head of Department of Economics, Intellectual Property and Public Administration of Polissia National University, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor, has the honor to invite Professor, Doctor of Philosophy Jan-Urban Sandal to address the participants with a welcome speech,

Oleg Skydan, Rector of Polissia National University, Doctor of Economics, Professor,
Valentyna Yakobchuk, Head of Department of Economics, Intellectual Property and Public Administration of Polissia National University, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor,
Members of the main table,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,


Household management and innovation  

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Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals article

Household management and innovation

Is published in

International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference
"Competitiveness and Innovation: Problems of Science and Practice"


To read full article Click here

Economic systems share the facts that they all fall short in predicting the future. They have all failed to promote equitable distribution
of wealth or promote positive visions and hope for the future. Yet they serve as successful and prosperous instruments to rule the nation and its
citizens. Household management, on the other hand, is different, and it plays an important and specific role in democratic development. Development is a distinct process than growth, because it is based on innovation. Innovation is a process that creates new opportunities and its successful implementation in the economic system implies that one can do something that previously could not be done, or at least not so efficiently or economically [3].

2018 to 2020

Financial Intermediaries In The Process


Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals artikkel

Financial Intermediaries In The Process Of Carrying Out The New Combinations In Entrepreurship

er publisert i

I I International Scientific And Practical ConferenceFinancial Instruments Of The Sustainable  Economic  Development

 Mars 20, 2018

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The banker is not only representing the role of the financial intermediaries in time and space, but “he is actually the ephor of the exchange economy” [1, p. 74]. Development, in the theory of Schumpeter (1912), is defined as the carrying out of the new combinations. That is the new combination of the first and second input factors (land and labor) in the production function. To produce other things, or produce more differently than previously, constitutes development. The new combination is actually, scientifically and theoretically, the meaning of innovation. The production means are always recruited from the use in which they already are occupied, not from the unused, potential sources in society, unemployed work force, unsold raw materials, unused production capacity and so forth. When the
production means are being withdrawn from their previous occupations, it is done by use of credits or equity capital. 

Consequences Of External Entrepreneurship Funding


Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals artikkel

Consequences Of External Entrepreneurship Funding

er publisert i

Ukraine – Eu. Innovations In Education, Technology, Business And Law

April 24, 2018

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The business of the entrepreneur is entrepreneurship. It has shown that external entrepreneurship funding, as a pattern, tends to support the wrong people and projects. However, the successful entrepreneur will always overcome all kinds of hindrances, also the inconveniences, disappointments and indignation by what might be perceived as unfair treatment. External entrepreneurship funding indicates that the person is working under someone else and that is not entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship is independent and individual economic business.

Models and innovative approaches to Social entrepreneurship

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Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals artikkel

Models and innovative approaches to Social entrepreneurship

er publisert i

Ministry Of Education And Science Of Ukraine
State Pedagogical University "Kyiv National Economic University Named After Vadim Hetman"
Faculty Of Economics And Management
"Social Enterprise: Theory, Practice And International Experience"

Collection of materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference May 18, 2018

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Social entrepreneurship is a special form of management, which purpose is to run a production function in such a way as to ensure the increase of value for all the participating parties in that function [1]. The model and its definition embraces both the concepts of management, innovation and social value. Social value implies not only the improvement of the society, but also progress of everybody‘s life. The main objective of social entrepreneurship is to make the world a better place for everyone.


Innovation Management Based On Judgmental Decision

tez konferencii simon kuznets 6 06 18

Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals artikkel

Innovation Management Based On Judgmental Decision

er publisert i

Harkiv National Economic University Named After Simon Kuznets
Abstracts Of Reports
International Scientific-Practical Conference "Economic Development And Legacy Of Seeds Of Kuznets" May 31 - June 1, 2018

Kharkiv 2018

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Innovation management is a scientific topic that stretches back to the era of the French Physiocrats. Its meaning is the coordination of goals and resources efficiently based on planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling in the process of innovation. Actually, innovation management is also deeply involved in business philosophy and reflects the fundamental principles that underline formation and operation of an enterprise: the nature and purpose of the business and its role in society, influenced by philosophy, ethics and economic theory. The primary goal of any business is to make a profit, be it in monetary terms or otherwise. Products and services are the means that secure the creation of a profit as the primary goal and output based on the production function. In classical term, the production function is run by a set of input factors, land, labor and capital. The meaning of management, as a philosophy and a pragmatic tool is to secure the optimal use of time and resources and to gain market shares by successful competition, all conducted through and by the production function.


World Tendencies Of The Development Of Small And Medium Size Enterprises

2nd InternationalScientific PracticalConference2018

Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals artikkel

World Tendencies Of The Development Of Small And Medium Size Enterprises

er publisert i

II International Scientific and Practical Conference, 
Small And Medium Enterprise: Problems And Prospects For Development In Ukraine.

November 2018

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Small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) are, and have been of a significant value all over the world, both for the ease of access to commodities and services and as a base for innovation and thereby the creative destruction and reinforcement and diffusion of democratic values [1].

Actual Problems of the Development of Science and Innovation


Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals artikkel

Actual Problems of the Development of Science and Innovation

er publisert i

Materials International Scientific-Practical Internet Conference
"Competitiveness And Innovation: Problems Of Science And Practice"

November 2018

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There is a clear connection between science and innovation. Both are derived from the same process. Innovation, Joseph A. Schumpeter explains [1] is a new combination of the input factors land and labor in the production function. Innovation makes it possible to do something that previously could not be done, or at least not so efficiently. Successful innovation carried out by young men is the power behind creative destruction [2], the process that makes everything new, and on a higher technological and economical level. It has the power to make the world a better place for everyone. When the process of transformation has started, it will go on from a higher level and intensify its own path into the future until the peak has been reached and regression occurs; the business cycle

Modern Approaches And Innovative Methods

thumb I InternationalResearchPracticeConference

Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals artikkel

Modern Approaches And Innovative Methods Of Study In Higher Educational Establishments

er publisert i

I International Research And Practice Conference
«Competitiveness Of Higher Education Of Ukrane In The Conditions Of Information Society»

November 2018

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The idea that learning methods can be changed and improved is not a new thought; it stretches a long way back in time [3] [6]. Learning is traditionally understood as the process of transmitting, for memorizing and adapting knowledge that the ruling elite defines as important and non-threatening to the establishment and to preserve cultural and religious values in the society. Anyhow, there is another aspect to the learning process, and that is cost efficiency. The traditional educational system is characterized by as much information to as many individuals for as less expenses as possible, considering time is money. Why education? The main purpose is to train the farmer, the worker and the capitalist proficiency in their skills, to preserve the culture and religion, everything within the framework of a static production where individual life and societal structure are predictable. For the vast majority of the students, preparation for application for jobs and obtaining jobs by thereby covering own living expenses and income tax payments to the government are of the highest value behind the modern higher education worldwide. The aim is not to change anything, but to keep everything in place. Traditional education is all about what we already know and what we already can do on the national level. Even thou education is a competitive factor in warfare and is being used as a political tool in comparison and propaganda within and between nations; its function is still on the static level.

Innovation And Investment Bases For The Development

thumb MaterialsInternationalConference

Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals artikkel

Innovation And Investment Bases For The Development Of Agribusiness In Rural Areaser publisert i

Development Of Mechanism Of Public Administration
By Development Of Agricultural Territories As Priority Of The State Development Policy

Desember 2018

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Agribusiness is not a new phenomenon in the social system even thou the term was coined around 1955 [3]. The modern definition of agribusiness covers the operations of farming, production of agricultural commodities, manufacturing, storing and distribution of farming equipment and supplies. Rural areas are land outside the city with low population density, and are usually not included in the urban definition. As income rise and diets change, new opportunities in emerging industries are rapidly created, but smallholder farmers and their increased access to the market is necessary to strengthen food value chains [5]. The talk of town in agribusiness innovation and investment bases globally today is concentrated around value-added agribusiness products based on a World Bank Agribusiness Entrepreneurship Program for growth oriented entrepreneurs in agro processing [6]. Mega funding are redefying the agtech investment landscape besides microfinance, driven by private and national owned banks, invest networks, NGOs, private funds and national development funds [4].

Factors Influencing Consumer Behaviour Management

thumb ICBM18 Proceedings Book

Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals artikkel

Factors Influencing Consumer Behaviour Management

International Congress On Business And Marketing 2018


Desember 2018

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Since the early stages of market exchange development, traders learned and could understand their consumers in the process of constant communication with them. Current scale of markets and economy have significantly complicated the interaction between seller and buyer and the only way out is coming from constant and thorough consumer research.
The main task of any commercial enterprise management is to research how consumers react to the different marketing incentives that enterprise can apply. The enterprise, which has figured out how consumers react to different product characteristics, prices and advertising, will have a huge advantage over competitors. That is the reason why both managers and scientists spend so much time researching the dependencies between the motivating factors implied by company’s management and consumer responses.

Innovativeness and Efficiency of Investments

PoznanPressResearch2018Vol81No4 0000

Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals artikkel

nnovativeness and Efficiency of Investments Undertaken by Networking Companies

is published in

WSB University in Poznan Press Research Journal 2018, Vol. 81, No 4
ISSN 1426-9724

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The aim of this article is to show correlations between the level of innovativeness and effectiveness of investments undertaken by networking companies of different size. One of the most important long-term problems related to the functioning and the development of enterprises in the market economy is the level of investments implemented by economic entities of different size. In order to establish its market position and be able to expand, each company not only needs to be efficient
in its current management but must also make good decisions concerning the introduction of product and process innovations. Many companies analyzed in the study were reluctant to innovate for fear of the costs involved. However, an increase in the level of innovation may positively contribute to a higher level of investment on the part of economic entities operating in various structures.

A Lost Opportunity in the Process of Carrying ...


Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals artikkel

A Lost Opportunity In The Process Of Carrying Out The New Combinations In Entrepreneurship

is published in

Financial Instruments Sustainable Development Of The Economy
ІI International Scientific-Practical Conference

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In modern literature on entrepreneurship and innovation, we have been confronted with all kinds of presentations pointing to individuals or structures behind the role as entrepreneur. However, is it truth that everyone can be or should be filling the role as an entrepreneur, be it in the business sector or the social sector? Scientific approaches to the phenomena of the entrepreneur have caught our interests all the way back to the French Physiocrats and we have an extended amount of scientific definitions based on approved criteria behind the deeper understanding of the person and the activities that we usually denotes as entrepreneur. The entrepreneur is an individual person, a male, not a female, he makes certain combinations of the first and second input factors of the production function, the result is entrepreneurial profit, belonging to himself, dividends are not paid and the entrepreneur is not a salaried worker, just to mention some of the basic criteria

Concept Clarification ...


Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals artikkel

Concept Clarification Of The Entrepreneur In Foreign Language Teaching

is published in

Annual Conference On Current Foreign Languages Teaching Issues In Higher Education - Conference Proceedings

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In our time, the word entrepreneur is on everyone’s lips, old and young, every gender, poor and rich, in science, politics, and religion, it can be read and heard everywhere. However, the meaning of the concept differs from place to place, over time and from language to language. When lecturing entrepreneurship in a foreign language there will of course be some challenges connected to the cultural, linguistic, social, political and geographical traditional background of the students and the institutions where the education is taking place. The scientifical research presented in this abstract is based on analysis of the concept of the entrepreneur over time and space stretching from the French Physiocrats to our time.


Entrepreneurship & Gender


Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals artikkel

Entrepreneurship & Gender – Myths Or The Scientific Truth?

is published in

Summit 60 Anniversary 10 Years Bulletin of Chernivtsi National University no 804

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The research goal of the article is to determine if gender other than the male has played a role in the scientific history of entrepreneurship and to analyze the meaning of gender as a determining factor of the science of innovation and entrepreneurship of today. The action of the entrepreneur is entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is the carrying out of new combinations, which constitutes the innovation. The science and history of entrepreneurship dedicate that mission to the male. This fact constitutes the scientific truth. The myths are based on the opposite. Imputing entrepreneurship on women, in particular lower class women, is a devastating political and state owned academy based incorrectness that inflicts not only on the individual woman, but on the whole society.


Business Evolution Of Woman Social Entrepreneurship

Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals artikkel

Entrepreneurship & Gender – Myths Or The Scientific Truth?

is published in

65 Summit Articles Zhytomyr 2019

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Woman social entrepreneurship is the creation of profit and social value based on innovation and successful entrepreneurship. Does woman social entrepreneurship exist in a world with 37 genders and 3 sexes, and how does it differ from male entrepreneurship? Furthermore, woman social entrepreneurship must always be organized as non-governmental organization (NGO), without any interference by governments – is it possible?
Keywords: woman social entrepreneurship, gender, democracy, profit, competition



Museum Science and the Creation....


Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals artikkel

Museum Science and the Creation of Artifacts based on the Production Functionis published in

International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference "Competitiveness and Innovations: Problems of Science and Practice"
ISBN 978-617-7801-07-7
November 2019

To read full article Click here

Museum is a rather old form of preserving and displaying items of values and stretches far back in human history. The reasons for collecting, preserving and displaying items are many.
The meaning and purpose of the museum is “for the increase and diffusion of knowledge”, James Smithson stated in 1829 (Smithson, 1829). Museums are a base for knowledge, its increase and diffusion in time and space. How is knowledge, the increase of knowledge and its diffusion produced? It is produced through the scientific process. Museum science is the process of production of knowledge, its increase and diffusion.


Economic And Social Aspects Of Migration


Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals artikkel

Economic And Social Aspects Of Migration

Is published in


Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Faculty of Law, Department of Private Law
Bialystok State University

Legal challenges of today: international migration in the context of globalization
And the International scientific-practical online conference

UDC 341.215.4-054.7 (08)
October 2020

To read full article Click here

Migration is humanity on the move within or across a national border. People have always been on the go. In recent years, the number of migrants has increased dramatically. The estimate for the numbers of migrants in 2019 is 272 million, or 3,5 per cent of the world population [1]. The UN Migration Agency (IOM) defines a migrant as any person who is moving or has moved across an international border or within a State away from his/her habitual place of residence regardless of the person’s legal status; whether the movement is voluntary or  involuntary; what the causes for the movement are; or what the length of the stay is [1]. Migration causes many challenges, both economic and social, for the host countries, the countries of departure, the migrants and his or hers family and the population in the host countries.


The Family and the Entrepreneur

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Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals artikkel

The Family and the Entrepreneur

Is published in


Materials - International Scientific And Practical Internet Conferences
"Competitiveness And Innovation: Problems Of Science And Practice »

November 2020

To read full article Click here

Joseph A. Schumpeter writes in his book Theorie der Wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung, 1912 “The successful entrepreneur rises socially, and with him his family, who acquire from the fruits of his success a position not immediately dependent upon personal conduct. This represents the most important factor of rise in the social scale in the capitalist world. (---) and this business is usually carried on further by the heirs on what soon become traditional lines until new entrepreneurs supplant it” [2, p. 156]. Schumpeter underlines that the stimulus of striving for profit, but only as a proof of success, is the mechanism’s driving force, and cannot be inherited.


2004 to 2017

Sosialt Entreprenørskap



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Artikkel No. 96, 2004 / ISSN 1101-346X 

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Under industrisamfunnets fremvekst i det 20. århundre ble den sterke stat med sentral styring toneangivende for den sosiale utvikling i de skandinaviske land. Velferdsstatens byråkrati er tilsynelatende et effektivt apparat for kontroll, produksjon og fordeling av sosial omsorg basert på industrisamfunnets behov, men det samme apparat er mindre egnet for utvikling til følge av endrede forhold i den omkringliggende verden. Sentralt dirigert omsorg passer ikke alle og overgangen til tjenestesamfunnet krever sin løsning. Sosialt entreprenørskap kan være en metode å bruke for å tilnærme seg en løsning på den tilsynelatende umettelige og stadig ekspansivt voksende etterspørsel av menneskers behov for hjelp og trøst som de tradisjonelle og vel innarbeidede aktører på den allerede eksisterende arena fra industrisamfunnets tid ikke formår å imøtekomme på en god og tilfredsstillende måte. To prinsipper står mot hverandre; byråkratiets hierarkiske maktapparat hvor informasjon meddeles fra toppen og det private entreprenørskap på lokalt plan med kollegial medvirkning fra interessentenes side. Sosialt entreprenørskap er både et begrep og et fenomen som i svært liten grad er omtalt i skandinavisk sammenheng. Nyere empirisk forskning i Skandinavia viser at det forretningsmessige entreprenørskap er et relevant forskningsområde hvis resultater peker i retning av at det private initiativ hos helt alminnelige mennesker, uten overstyring fra sentrale myndigheter side, er en sterk drivkraft til utvikling i det økonomiske system. En parallell kan kanskje finnes i det sosiale entreprenørskap


Den Sosiale Entreprenør



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 Artikkel No. 101, 2006 / ISSN 1101-346X

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Sosiale entreprenører er en betegnelse på foregangsmenn og foregangskvinner i den sosiale sektor i det 21. århundre. De setter sine anstrengelser inn på de områder hvor myndighetene og det frie marked ennå ikke har klart å skape et tilbud av viktige varer og tjenester for de svake og fattige i samfunnet. Deres interesse er å skape økonomisk og sosial verdi. En sosial entreprenør er ikke en hvilken som helst gründer, og sosialt entreprenørskap er ikke tuftet på lysten å fremsette originale ideer. Vellykkede sosiale entreprenører bygger sine entrepriser på innovasjoner, og de viser både vilje og handlekraft til å ”utføre de nye kombinasjoner”. Begrepet sosial entreprenør er fortsatt et relativt nytt begrep her til lands. Betegnelsen er hentet fra engelsk og amerikansk litteratur. 

Arbeid, innovasjon ...



Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals artikkel

 Arbeid, innovasjon og livets strevsommelighet

 er publisert i Ekonomiska Samfundets Tidskrift nr 3/2012

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Nye jobbmuligheter oppstår ikke som resultat av "de små skritts utvikling" i den statiske økonomi eller i kunnskapsindustrien. Innovasjon tilfører, som et biprodukt nye jobber til samfunnet og innebærer at gamle og foreldete repetitive mønstre i produksjonsfunksjonene byttes ut mot nye dynamiske metoder hvor de arbeidere som allerede er sysselsatt etterspørres til produksjonsprosser hvor deres forutsetninger som arbeidskraft allerede er prøvet. Mennesker flest er ydmyke og de kjemper for å holde sine liv gående. Derfor er de takknemlige når politikere står frem for å ta ledelsen, ikke bare over samfunnet men også over menneskers liv.

I Schumpeters fotspor



Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals artikkel

  I Joseph Alois Julius Schumpeters fotspor

 er publisert i Ekonomiska Samfundets Tidskrift nr 1/2014

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Dr. Joseph A. Schumpeter var 29 år gammel da hans banebrytende bok, Teorier om økonomisk utvikling, ble publisert. Han var da også landets yngste professor i økonomi. Selv hevdet han at den viktigste perioden i et menneskes liv er dets tredje tiår. 100 år senere er hans navn omkranset med betegnelser som verdenskjent økonom, minister, sosialfilosof og humanist. I denne artikkel vil flere viktige forhold i Schumpeters 1912 teori bli analysert: hans unge år og sosiale bakgrunn, de store forskjeller i forhold til innarbeidede myter og falske dogmer og teoriens aktualitet i dag.





Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals artikkel

Introduksjon til Joseph Alois Schumpeter:
Entreprenørprofitt - et insitament til demokratisk utvikling

  er publisert i Ekonomiska Samfundets Tidskrift nr 1/2011

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Denne artikkel presenterer en analyse av entreprenørprofitten som et insitament til demokratisk samfunnsutvikling. Den automatiske endringsprosess, frembåret av FoU og innovasjon på bestilling, basert på flertallsbeslutninger fattet i de lukkede rom, er verken årsak eller resultat når samfunnet endres i en mer demokratisk retning. Entreprenørskap er ikke politikk, men vellykket entreprenørskap har potensialet til å påvirke politikken og det politiske system i demokratisk retning.


Udviklingsfronten i sosialt entreprenørskap... 



Udviklingsfronten i sosialt entreprenørskap og dets potensial som demokratisk kraft

CSE Publications 10:10
Center for Socialt Entreprenørskab Roskilde Universitet

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Denne oversiktsartikkel presenterer et utvalg av artikler med forskjellige vinkler på sosi-alt entreprenørskap hvor tanker og teorier viser at individets rettigheter og muligheter til full delaktighet i samfunnet kan kreve nye innfallsvinkler i produksjon, fordeling og utvikling av sosiale goder og derigjennom også styrke demokratiet som forfatningsform.

Human Resource Develop... 



Human Resource Development in Global
Social Entrepreneurship

HRD Journal
Volume 5. Number 1
June 2014

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There is a special human talent in the world, embedded in the economy, like an endogenous factor, whose existence under certain circumstances brings a change to society, a change that alters the traditional way of production and societal organization. The change represents a potential for democratic development of the society. It`s fruits give rise to increase of quantity of life, personal freedom, peace and prosperity, wealth and social independence, and a better and more secure future. Is it possible to develop this important human resource and what could the methods be to do so?


Social Entrepreneurship



Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals artikkel

Social Entrepreneurship in Theory and Practice:
Promoting Entrepreneurship in Different Social Groups

  er publisert i Alytus College
Role of Higher Education Institutions in Society: Challenges, Tendencies and Perspectives

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Entrepreneurship is the process of carrying out new combinations and putting a new product or service in use on the market. Innovation implies that individuals and society are able to do something that previously was not possible to do, or at least not be done so efficiently or economically. The article presents theoretical approaches to social entrepreneurship, the role of social entrepreneurs and an analysis of social groups and their failure to achieve to carry out innovations as an independent based process.
 There has traditionally been a huge misconception concerning the terminology social entrepreneur, not only among practitioners, governmental officers and politicians but also among scholars.
However, when it comes to social entrepreneur most people think it has some connection to the kindness, mild personality and charitable character of the entrepreneur himself or even a socialist approach to the activity. This is all wrong.
The social entrepreneur is an outstanding person specialized on carrying out innovations on the market directed towards social phenomena in a professional way.
Many people want to glamor in the shine of the social entrepreneur role for various reasons, but just a few fill the concept properly. The role of social entrepreneur does not include a wide range of different social class group affiliations.
Social entrepreneurship is a new way of participating in the process of developing the democracy for the common person without being elected as representative. However, there is still a long distance between theory and practice, and the most urgent feature is the intervention of politics in social entrepreneurship.
Most citizens do not want to be only passive voters or mere consumers in society. Once they get information on the possibilities of active participation in the process of development, they feel attracted to devote their ideas and strength in the innovative process, turning ideas into productive projects.
Economic progress is important to democratic development, the entrepreneur is the one who carry out innovations, and turn economic recessions to economic progress at all times


Importance of Innovation



Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals artikkel

The Importance of Innovation for Democratic
and Economic Development in Europe

  er publisert i Chernivitsi Univerity
Science Bulletin

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Since the economic recession of 2007/08 many politicians, governments, scholars and practitioners have launched their ideas and theories on how to counteract unemployment, economic destruction, social exclusion, youth hopelessness, and tendencies of dissolution throughout Europe, which to a large extent threatens the stability and common understanding of Europe as a peaceful and democratic region (Krugman, 2012). Mainstream policies and ideologies have pointed towards economic bailouts and volunteering programs for youth employment as efficient weapons against social, economic and democratic defeat. The main themes have thus been that the state should secure existing jobs and create an environment for providing new job abilities, especially for marginalized groups in society like youth, immigrants and refugees, women, the poor and disabled, and graduating students, to mention just a few groups (European Commission: Employment Package, 2012).


I Den Unge Schumpeters fotspor

est 2 14 JUS Page 01

Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals artikkel

  I den Unge Joseph Alois Julius Schumpeters fotspor

 er publisert i Ekonomiska Samfundets Tidskrift nr 2/2014

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Den unge Joseph Alois Julius Schumpeter ga verden en ekstraordinær teori om økonomisk utvikling i sin bok Theorie der Wirtschafltichen Entwicklung (engelsk tittel: The Theory of Economic Development) publisert i Leipzig i 1912. Entreprenørprofitt – resultatet av vellykket entreprenørskap – er ikke en motivasjonsfaktor hevdet Schumpeter, men å grunnlegge et privat kongerike, viljen til å erobre og gleden av å skape er det. Hvor fikk den unge Schumpeter disse ideene fra? Er det mulig å lete frem noen spor fra hans tidlige erfaringer og familiære bakgrunn som forklarende faktorer?


In the Footsteps of the Early Joseph Schumpeter


Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals artikkel

In the Footsteps of The Early Joseph Alois Julius Schumpeter
 er publisert i 


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The early Joseph Alois Julius Schumpeter gave the world an extraordinary theory of economic growth in his book Theorie der Wirtshaflichen Entwicklung, published in Leipzig in 1912. Entrepreneurial profit – the result of successful entrepreneurship - is not a motivating factor Schumpeter argues, but to found a private kingdom, the will to conquer and the joy to create are. Where did the early Schumpeter get those ideas? Is it possible to trace down some clues from his early experiences of life and family background as explanatory factors?


In the Footsteps of the Early Joseph Schumpeter

Scientific Bulletin of Chernivtsi National University 750

Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals artikkel

In the Footsteps of The Early Joseph Alois Julius Schumpeter
 er publisert i 

Scientific Bulletin of Chernivtsi National University

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At the age of 29, Joseph A. Schumpeter published his revolutionizing book, Theorie der Wirtshaftlichen Entwicklung (English title: Theory of Economic Development). He was then the youngest professor in economy in the Austrian-Hungarian Empire. He asserted that the most important period in a human’s life was the third decade. 100 years later his name is celebrated with distinguished words as world-renowned economist, minister, social philosopher and humanist. In this article several main topics related to Schumpeter's 1912 theory will be analyzed: his early years and social background, big distinctions in relation to established myths and false dogmas and the relevance of the theory today.


In the Early Joseph Alois Julius Schumpeter's Footsteps

Вісник Економіка 174 Page 002

Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals artikkel

In the Early Joseph Alois Julius Schumpeter's Footsteps
Marriage, Tragedy and Emigration
 er publisert i 

Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Economics, 2015; 9

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At the age of 42 Joseph Alois Schumpeter married the 20 years younger Anna ("Annie") Josefina Reisinger. Joseph Schumpeter is looking forward to being a father, and the couple have a child, Joseph, but both Annie and the baby dies during confinement. The tragedy is a fact, and Schumpeter loses the joy of scientific creativity and concentration. His existence is concurrently burdened by private financial problems. He holds fast to his creative youth work, Theorie der wirtschaftlichen
Entwicklung, which is a companion through life and the foundation stone of modern entrepreneurial research worldwide. The article analyzes the important events in Schumpeter's life and its importance to scientific development in economic theory.
The article analyzes the important events in Schumpeter's life and its importance to scientific development in economic theory. Theorie der wirtshaftlichen Entwicklung (English title; The Theory of Economic Development) was first published in 1912.


The Search Goes on - In the World Libraries

Aukstuju mokyklu vaidmuo issukiai tendencijos ir perspektyvos 2015 Nr 4

Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals artikkel

 er publisert i 

Academic papers Nr. 1 (4) - 2015

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There are possibly more than one million libraries throughout the world today. It is nevertheless obvious that not all scientific researchers or general users of libraries have access to relevant and valuable literature to the extent that is desirable and appropriate. What literature in the English language on innovation, entrepreneurship, and social entrepreneurship is available in the world libraries, and is there interest in acquiring more? This article presents analysis and results after visiting 93 libraries in 61 countries on four continents. 


The New Social Class System


Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals artikkel

 er publisert i 

Academic papers Nr. 1 (5) - 2016

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There are three distinct social classes in the world today. Traditional approaches to the social class structure are invalid for our understanding of social class structure today. The scientific approach to the understanding of the new social class scheme of today, covering the world population, is partly based on, and motivated by the social-techno development the last decade or so. The new social class systems covers the starving class, the desperate class and the elite class. Based on the production function and the individual persons relations to wages and profit it is possible to make a scientific approach to the modern world social class structure.

In The Early Joseph Alois Julius Schumpeter's Footsteps –
Research Highlights

Schumpeter 2016JanUSandal

Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals artikkel

In The Early Joseph Alois Julius Schumpeter's Footsteps –Some Resarch Highlights!
 er publisert i 

Joseph Aloiz Schumpeter’S Scientific Heritage And Today: A View From The Past Into The Future

Proceedings of III International Schumpeter’s Conference

21-22 of October, 2016

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In 2012, I started a research program: In the footsteps of Joseph Alois Julius Schumpeter. The same year marked the 100 years anniversary of the first publishing of Joseph Alois Julius Schumpeter´s Theorie der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung (English title; The Theory of Economic Development). The program included many activities; visiting main sites where the famous economist used to live and work, indepth interviews with key persons on site, research in relevant archives, collecting and spreading information about Schumpeter’s science globally through academic institutions, libraries, organizations, forums and summits. This article focuses on the research highlights based on the four-year global research period and my previous research (Sandal, 2003).

In The Early Joseph Alois Julius Schumpeter's Footsteps –
Some Research Highlights


Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals artikkel

In The Early Joseph Alois Julius Schumpeter's Footsteps –Some Resarch Highlights!
 er publisert i 

Scientific Bulletin of Chernivtsi University:
Economics: Coll. Science. pr. Vol. 777 778


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In 2012, I started a research program: In the footsteps of Joseph Alois Julius Schumpeter. The same year marked the 100 years anniversary of the first publishing of Joseph Alois Julius Schumpeter´s Theorie der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung (English title; The Theory of Economic Development). The program included many activities; visiting main sites where the famous economist used to live and work, in-depth interviews with key persons on site, research in relevant archives, collecting and spreading information about Schumpeter’s science globally through academic institutions, libraries, organizations, forums and summits. This article focuses on the research highlights based on the four-year global research period and my previous research (Sandal, 2003).

Innovation In Education – Dynamic Innovative Learning Methods
As Approach To Independent Science

Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals artikkel

Innovation In Education – Dynamic Innovative Learning Methods As Approach To Independent Science
 er publisert i 

Ukraine – Eu. Modern Technology, Business And Law
April 3–8, 2017
Collection Of International Scientific Papers

Chernihiv 2017


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Liberal learning is under attack all over the world today [6]. It is not only the modern technology, like the social media and free online courses that represents the treat [2], but also moreover, the attitude that education is the key to a future job. In Europe, as in the USA, however, that is not the case, a master’s degree, or even a double master’s degree cannot guarantee a success on the job market for the prospective applicant. Higher education is looked upon as a bridge to a successful job position and a well to do society. However, lecturing and examination based on the traditional methods and curricula can only produce more of the same output from the university system. This fact is the core problem with higher education, not only today, but also in a historic perspective.


How innovation maintains and develops democracy

Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals artikkel

How innovation maintains and develops democracy
 er publisert i 

Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 165, Issue 5-6, Pages: 23-26
October 11, 2017

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Innovation is a superior driving force for economic development in a capital, marketbased economy. Entrepreneurs carry out innovations, be it business or social entrepreneurs. Theoretically, according to the Franco-Austrian-Norwegian (FAN) scientific tradition, innovation is defined as a new combination of the first and second input factors in a production function. The result of successful business and social entrepreneurship is economic development, equal rights, a better world, peace, freedom, a more secure society for everyone, as well as technological, economic and social progress. These are all parameters that define the modern Western style democracy, and even more, these prerequisites represent the conditions for the maintenance, construction and dissemination of democracy to new territories throughout the world. Successful entrepreneurs are private individuals whose role can never be substituted by any group of members, be it political parties, governments, boards of directors, committees or power based authorities like the political boss. Throughout history, we have seen national states, big and small, trying to overrule the wisdom of science and that they have failed. We have seen the horrors imposed on civil populations, both nationally and globally, as a result of the failed Marxist-based socialist political ideology concerning the distribution of wealth. The process of wealth creation lays the foundation of a democracy, and only individuals can undertake the formation of economic progress.

The Vision Of Social Entrepreneurship

Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals artikkel

The Vision Of Social Entrepreneurship
 er publisert i 

Role Of Higher Education Institutions In Society: Challenges, Tendencies And Perspectives
Academic papers, Nr. 1 (6), Alytus 2017

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The vision of social entrepreneurship is to make the world a better place for everyone. To make is not the same as to share. It is more a question of caring. Social entrepreneurs carry out innovations, and opportunities to introduce innovations are always existent in the social system and are never a result of changes in the supply and demand on the market. Innovation is the driving force for development and politicians and public authorities cannot perform the same transformation, as do social entrepreneurs. However, no state accepts anyone on top of its head. Parliaments, presidents, state ministers, and governments must believe that they are in charge of the development at all times.

Innovation As Strategic Competitiveness

Kharkiv2017 11article Page 1

Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals artikkel

Innovation As Strategic Competitiveness
 er publisert i 

Competitiveness And Innovations: Problems Of Science And Practice
November 16–17, 2017

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Even though innovation scientifically is defined as a spontaneous change of the use of the first and second input factors in the production function, its consequences on the market might represent strategic competitiveness. A spontaneous change in the production function based on the new combination of Land and Labor is not the result of a predictable action, and its capability of altering the market is not based on a strategic vision. Furthermore, innovation is not a response to the market situation, because opportunities to innovate will always be present, and no one or no formal body can dictate or manipulate the process of innovation. Entrepreneurs carry out innovations. These men are strong individuals, but they are not motivated by making a profit. Their goal is rather to succeed with their efforts.