

Fil. Dr. Jan-U. Sandal Institute


of Fil. Dr. Jan-U. Sandal Institute



jun 09, 2017 4176

Benny Carlson

Professor emeritus of economic history at Lund University, Sweden. His main research interests are the history of economic ideas – particularly the spread of ideas between Germany, the United States and Sweden – economic policy and the economic integration of immigrants. He has published twenty books and close to a hundred articles on these issues. He has been a friend of Jan-Urban Sandal for more than thirty years.
jul 01, 2017 3505

Dinh Van Nha

Dinh Van Nha Prof. Acad. DSc. UK. Excellence Senior Teacher of Hanoi University of Science Technology (HUST). Senior Expert of APCEO. Ho Chi Minh Awards for Science Technology in Vietnam 2005. WIPO- Awards, WIPO Gold Medal, Einstein Awards, Diamond Awards Cup number One Leona Da Vin Ci (UK), "2000 Understanding Intellectuals of The 21th Century" ( UK), Prof. Acad. DSc. Dinh Van Nha received "Gold Medal" Great Minds of 21th Century", "Order of International Ambassador" (USA). Two Highest Vietnamese Awards of Science Technology Creations (2000-2004). Director - President of Science Technology and Training OMEGA Institute, Vice President of East Asian University of Technology (EAUT), Senior Adviser of Industrial University of Vinh (IUV), Vice President of VN ABC, Vice President and Vice General Secretary of Viet Nam Automation Association (VAA) (2001-2014), Member of Central Committee of Vietnam Union of Science Technology Associations (VUSTA). Vice President of POLYCO GROUP..
aug 01, 2018 3424

Magdy M. Al Sharif

Magdy M. Al Sharif, PhD, Strategic Economist. Dr. Magdy M. Al Sharif is the Chairman of The Center for Strategic & Economic Studies. Dr. Magdy is also the Founder and Chairman of Arab Weekly News Paper, and Arab Association for Supporting Exports of SMEs.Dr. Al Sharif`s experience exceeds 35 years. He served as General Manager for the Department of International Marketing Research and Economic Studies at the Ministry of Trade and Industry, General Manager and Senior Economic Advisor for Chambers of Commerce and Industry in Egypt and Saudi Arabia, Managing Director for International Marketing and Investment Group – SAE, and now acting as an Independent Expert Arbitrator for PSI with ICC and WTO.Dr. Al Sharif is a Key note Speaker at Chinese/ Arab platform for Financial and Economic Cooperation, conducting consultant services via lecturing, coaching, and planning to reconstruct, reform and develop Governmental Institutions, Organizations, Corporations and businesses. Scope of Dr Al…
aug 16, 2018 4224

Rajendra KC

Rajendra KC, MBA, PhD, USA (Management Stream, Public Administration) is Founder campus chief in Southwestern State College (SWSC), 2010; Basundhara, Kathmandu, Nepal since 2010 to till date; Chief Advisor of HISSAN central committee, since 2012 to 2016; Chairperson of Rural Environment and Development Association (REDA-Nepal) 2001 to 2006; Chairperson of HOPE International College (HIC), 2012 to 2017; chairperson of Nepal PhD Association 2008 to 2015; Chairperson of Filosofiska-Nepal, Since 2013 to till date; Chairperson of Nepal Private College Association 2015 to till date; Chairperson of Southwestern Center for PhD Studies 2015 to till date; Board member of Kathmandu Capital Ltd. 2016 to till date; and Advisors in different daily and weekly papers. Rajendra KC has been awarded the “Nepal Vidya Bhusan Pratham KA” which is Nepal’s topmost award in Nepal for education sector; Peace Ambassador of Universal Peace Federation and Nepal Samman 2070, Jagriti Samaj Nepal. Rajendra KC is the author of a number of…
sep 01, 2018 3504

Danutė Remeikienė

Danutė Remeikienė, docent, doctorate, is Director of the Public institution Alytus College, Member of Council, Alytus City Municipality, Vice-Chair person of the Environment and Development Committee, and director of the Public institution Alytus Business Incubator (from 1998-12-01 to 2003-07-01). Danutė Remeikienė is Chairperson of Qualification Board of Master Studies of Kaunas University of Technology, 2007-2008 and Member of Qualification Board of Master Studies of Kaunas University of Technology. Danutė Remeikienė holds a comprehensive project, pedagogical, social, expert, research, creative, methodological and organizational work experience, both nationally and internationally. Her aknoledgements, nominations and awards comprize, but not limited to Award Bronze Work Star of the president Vilnius Chamber of Commerce for valuable contribution into Lithuanian economy, Award Knight of Profession by Lithuanian Manufacturers’ Confederation for long-time educational and administrative…
okt 04, 2019 2004

Oleksandr Saienko

Oleksandr Saienko is Ph.D. in Economics, graduated from Odessa National Economic University in 2010, specialty “Economic Theory and History of Economic Thought”, and his PhD theses topic is “Strengthening of economic security as the factor of effective functioning of the economic system”. From 2005 Oleksandr Saienko has the experience of lecturing through the work as Teacher and Docent of Department of Economic Theory and Management, from 2011 till 2017 he is Vice Dean of the Faculty of Economics, from 2017 he is the Head of the Department of International Economics at the Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University. In 2015, he has opened Joseph Schumpeter Centre for Economic Research at the Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University.
okt 11, 2019 2781

Serhiy Shkarlet

Rector of Chernihiv National University of Technology, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honoured Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine
nov 11, 2020 2001

Mohamed Abdulmutaleb Etman

Ass. Prof. Dr. ENG. MOHAMED ABDULMUTALEB ETMAN Education Ph.D. in Mechanical Design and production Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt, Jan. (2008),Title of Thesis: "Synthesis and Evaluation of Carbon Nanotubes and Its Applications in Nanocomposites". M.Sc. In Mechanical Design and production Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Al-Azhar University, Egypt, 2002. Title of Thesis: "Computer Aided Design of Mechanical Power Transmission System As Applied In Vehicles" Diploma of “Thermal Engineering and Heat Exchanger”, In Mechanical Design and production Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Al-Azhar University, Egypt, 1988. B.Sc. Mechanical & Automotive Engineering Dept. Military Technical College, Egypt 1981. Ass. Prof. Dr. ENG. MOHAMED ABDULMUTALEB ETMAN Member of team to study the way project to the Nobel (NRC) Advisor and Consultant for Housing and Building National Research Center of Nanotechnology & Nanoscience and Its Applications (HBRC) Head of Central…
nov 27, 2020 2109

Volodymyr Ponomarenko

Rector of Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics. Corresponding Member of NAPS of Ukraine (2016). Doctor of Economics,Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Rector of Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics. Volodymyr Ponomarenko was born on May 7, 1948 in Krolevets, Sumy region. In 1966 he graduated from Krolevets High School, in 1971 he graduated from Kharkiv Engineering and Economic Institute with a degree in Organization of Mechanical Processing of Economic Information (OMOEI), in 1979 he defended his dissertation for a Candidate of Economic Sciences degree, since 2000 – Doctor of Economics. Rector's scientific interests include strategic management of the enterprise, development of higher education, development of economic education in Ukraine on the basis of competence and student-centered approaches, regional economic development, economic-mathematical methods and models and modern information technologies. Professor…