Welcome Alona Ivzhenko, Assistant at the Department of Civil, Commercial Law and Procedure Chernihiv National University of Technology, Deputy Dean in the Faculty of Law

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AlonaIvzhenko2Welcome Alona Ivzhenko, Assistant at the Department of Civil, Commercial Law and Procedure Chernihiv National University of Technology, Deputy Dean in the Faculty of Law. Participant of Polish Erasmus for Ukraine program at Lublin Catholic University (MA European Studies courses, 2015-2016). In 2016 started her Ph.D. research in the subject: “Tax law institutes as a sub-branch of financial law: experience of Ukraine and Poland». Areas of interest are international law, comparative law and tax regulation in European countries.

Alona Ivzhenko is an active participant of International and All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conferences and contests of the scientific works. The Сhairman of the The Coordination Council of Young Lawyers of Ukraine in Chernihiv region. Head of public organization «Center of legal thought», main goal directed on increasing activity of citizens and building civil society.
She graduated from The Social Entrepreneur School IBS (Innovation, Business and Society), Fil Dr. Jan-U. Sandal Institute in September 2017.