Scientific Courses

Scientific Course - Documentation, Exhibition and Museum Science

Treff: 4315

The course provides increased knowledge of the scientific process. A number of relevant and interesting issues are to be addressed in the course based on the following disciplines: documentation, exhibition and museum science, creation of artifacts, the production function, copyrights and intelectual property management in museum activities. Participants will partake in internship at Sandal Private Museum or other museums. Participants select and study literature based on their own interest, scientific research and requirements for further study, especially aimed towards writing a Monograph-style Dissertation.


Course content: Museology, museum design concepts, museum exhibition, planning and design, research, numbering systems, project archives, shape, form and space, museums terms concepts, brand presentation and trade-fair design, creation of artifacts, production function, own choice of topics and literature.
Methods: Opening session with lecturing. Individual work, with a high degree of participant activity.
Material: Reading literature, based on participants own choice, approximately 800 academic pages.
Scope: 6 weeks. Oral examination and submission of examination article.
Participants: Selective, internal business/study groups, max 22 participants per group. The course is suitable for anyone who is engaged in issues related to science and research.
Competence: The course provides scientific skills, and is mandatory as part of the Affiliated Honorary Research Fellow program.
Attestation: By completing the course, participation and passed examination, candidate is awarded Certificate.
Course Delivered: Norway / Globally.
Price: Price on request.
Course Code: DM-01-A
Admission: Specific admission requirements apply for participation on this course.
Application: Enquiries to Prof. Fil. Dr. Jan-Urban Sandal.