
Oleksandr Chaikin

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Oleksandr Chaikin, PhD in Economic Sciences, International Cooperation Department leading specialist, senior lecturer at Zhytomyr National Agroecological University, Ukraine. Increased the qualification in innovative direction of pedagogical activity, advanced training in Innovative direction of pedagogical activity, the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (2017). Graduated from Fil. Dr. Jan-U. Sandal institute, Social Entrepreneur School IBS (2019), was a Keynote speaker at the 64th Summit Conversations on Emergent Issues in Social Entrepreneurship, and presented his the most current research results on the topic named “Socially responsible entrepreneurship and rural inclusive growth”.


Author of more than 50 scientific works, including 1 foreign collective monograph, 10 articles in foreign scientific periodicals and Ukraine scientific specialized periodicals that belong to the international scientometric databases, 7 in Ukraine scientific specialized professional peiodicals, 35 scientific publications that testify research results approbation.
Scientific interests: inclusive growth, social entrepreneurship, sustainable development and ecologically certificated production.

Took part in a number of international exchange programs:

  • Future Leaders Exchange Program (FLEX) of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the US Department of State (USA) (2004);
  • Faculty Exchange Program (FEP) scholarship of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Colorado State University (USA) (2015);
  • Professional Experience Exchange of “German-Ukrainian cooperation in the field of organic farming” project, Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture of Germany (Germany) (2018);
  • Sandal Institute Exchange (SIE) scientific exchange and internship, Fil. Dr. Jan U. Sandal Institute (Norway) (2019).