
In the footsteps of the early Joseph Alois Schumpeter 


 Boken kan bestilles direkte fra Jan-U. Sandal,

ISBN 978-82-93329-03-9

pris NOK 349,-

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The early Joseph Alois Schumpeter gave the world an extraordinary theory of economic growth in his book Theorie der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung, published in Leipzig in 1912. This biography and scientific analysis is a tour in the footsteps of the early Joseph A. Schumpeter, which paints a picture of the fascinating character of an individual who stands amongst the great masters of the economic science in the 20th century. Schumpeter declared that the most important period in a human’s life is the third decade, and his own life is in accordance with this idea. More than 100 years after his birth, his name is celebrated with distinguished words as world-renowned economist, minister, social philosopher and humanist. We follow his life and work from birth to maturity and emigration to America, through happiness, love, sorrows and tragedy, to countries where he lived and worked like the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, Germany, USA, and Japan.


Social Entrepreneurship Summit 5 Years 

 Boken kan bestilles direkte fra Jan-U. Sandal,

ISBN: 978-82-93329-01-5 

pris NOK 270,-

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Social Entrepreneurship Summit 5 Years 2008 – 2013 is a book that presents major and relevant information on participating individuals, organizations, institutes and activities that have taken place to fulfil the requirements stated in the Summit Prospect and Summit Programs. This documentation is significant for many reasons, not at least as a source for inspiration and motivation for scientists, researchers, students, social entrepreneurs and others. Social Entrepreneurship Summit has been a great success. It is now in its sixth year and is expanding in scale and scope. The need for independent science and dynamic education throughout the world is great and Social Entrepreneurship Summit, with all its activities contributes to play a part in that picture.    


Summit Conversations.. 

 Boken kan bestilles direkte fra Jan-U. Sandal,

ISBN: 978-82-93329-00-8

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Summit Conversations on Emerging issues in Social Entrepreneurship

The Summit in Social Entrepreneurship is a non-profit, independent and neutral seminar series open for everyone. The intention of the Summit is to present actual, relevant, scientifically, theoretically and practically based hypotheses and invite to conversations on unattended issues in social entrepreneurship. The summit series is knowledge-based and promotes the understanding of innovation as a function for social change. Participation by application. Participation is free.  Participants are researchers, Ph.D. candidates, supervisors, lecturers, teachers, students, course participants, practitioners, business founders, social entrepreneurs, politicians, government officials, journalists, owners, CEOs and employees, in all kind of sectors and branches with interest of or connection to the issues.  Lectures and speeches are on the highest level. Conversations or workshops are carried out in connection with all speeches. Participants in the network are requested to give speeches. Guest lecturers are invited from Norway and abroad.  



 Boken kan bestilles direkte fra Jan-U. Sandal,

pris NOK 240,-

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Sentralt dirigert sosial omsorg når ikke alltid frem til alle og passer heller ikke alle individer og grupper av befolkningen. Ulike tider krever ulike løsninger for produksjon, finansiering og distribusjon av sosial omsorg og man kan ikke forvente at bare en type løsning er gangbar. Både behovet og mulighetene for private initiativtakere i den sosiale sektor varierer over tid. Apparatet fra industrisamfunnet endres og brytes ned. Overgangen til tjenestesamfunnet krever sin løsning.
Sosialt entreprenørskap handler om å bryte fastlagte vaner og mønstre av tradisjonell karakter og gjennom innovative handlinger finne unike løsninger på komplekse problemer i den hensikt at endring skal bidra til å gjøre tilværelsen bedre. Sosialt entreprenørskap kompletterer og fornyer velferdsstaten. Endringsagentene er drivkraften i transformasjonen.
Sosialt entreprenørskap er antatt å være den hurtigst voksende næringssektor i USA i vårt århundre. Samtidig er sosialt entreprenørskap svært lite omtalt i skandinavisk sammenheng.
Denne bok presenterer teori og prinsipper om sosialt entreprenørskap. Det vises til en rekke ledende sosiale entreprenører og deres praktiske håndtering av relevante problemstillinger i det sosiale entreprenørskap.
Boken er en viktig kilde til informasjon for den som er engasjert i problemstillinger knyttet til finansiering, produksjon og fordeling av sosial omsorg, translasjon og etablering av nye næringsvirksomheter i den sosiale sektor.


Jakten på entreprenøren



 Boken kan bestilles direkte fra Jan-U. Sandal,

pris NOK 250,-

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Studiet av entreprenøren er ikke et studium om en «helt på sin hvite hest», som er en ikke uvanlig kritikk av vellykkete næringsdrivende, men snarere en analyse av helt vanlige menneskers tanker, drømmer og liv. Entreprenørene er vanskelige å finne for de er sjeldent forekommende i befolkningen. De er viktige fordi de utfører innovasjoner, som innebærer at man blir i stand til å gjøre noe man tidligere ikke kunne, og på den måten er de pådrivere i den teknologiske og økonomiske utvikling. Målet for denne doktoravhandling er å jakte på entreprenører, dvs. å lete seg frem til norske næringsdrivende i vår samtid som hevder at de er nyskapende og foreta en kvalitativ undersøkelse og analyse av deres kvaliteter, handlinger og produksjons- og konsumsjonsfunksjoner på bakgrunn av de tidløse kriterier i Joseph A. Schumpeters teori og øvrig relevant økonomisk teori i et historisk perspektiv for å identifisere og differensiere ulike profiler av nyskapende næringsdrivende. Næringsdrivende i tre ulike bransjer er omfattet av den kvalitative undersøkelsen. Analysen har, på bakgrunn av informasjonen fra informantene kartlagt hva som skjer i næringslivet i vår samtid blant nyskapende norske næringsdrivende, og ved anvendt teori vist at det er mulig å identifisere og differensiere blant ulike former for entreprenørskap.
De mest fremtredende kjennetegn ved nyskapende næringsvirksomhet er at den næringsdrivende
1) motiveres av å tjene en (entreprenør-) profitt,
2) ikke motiveres av lønn,
3) utfører nye kombinasjoner i produksjonsfunksjonen,
4) åpner nye markeder,
5) introduserer nye produkter,
6) utfører sin aktivitet som en individuell handling og
7) utfører aldri sin handling som et ledd i en gruppeaktivitet.

Denne doktoravhandling, som er en analyse av entreprenøren på mikroøkonomisk nivå, kompletterer forståelsen av entreprenøren som en sosial endringsagent i analysen av den økonomiske utvikling på makroøkonomisk nivå, og viser at entreprenørskap ikke oppstår som resultat av sykliske svingninger i en økonomi kjennetegnet av konjunkturer. Det er tvert imot entreprenørens innovative handlinger på mikronivå, sprunget ut av det enkelte individs egne forutsetninger og skaperkraft, som resultatet av en indre prosess, som foranlediger, under spesielle situasjoner, en stor sverm av etterfølgere som i sin tur kan påvirke de sykliske konjunktursvingninger og lede den økonomiske utvikling gjennom den stadig omskiftende og fornyende prosess som er kapitalismens «innerste vesen» og som både kjennetegnes av og benevnes «creative destruction».




The Social entrepreneur pyramid



 Boken kan bestilles direkte fra Jan-U. Sandal

ISBN 978-91-633-6459-4

pris NOK 150,-

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Boken presenterer ny teori om sosialt entreprenørskap. Sosialentreprenørene, de som endrer verden, kan deles inn i fem kategorier etter den individuelle betydning hver enkelte har som endringsagent. De systematiseres i form av en pyramide: Sosialentreprenør-pyramiden. Analysen av eksisterende sosialt entreprenørskap i Skandinavia understreker betydningen av individenes direkte deltakelse i beslutningprosessen, noe som gir større rettferdighet og minsket avhengiget.

THE SOCIAL ENTREPRENEUR PYRAMID With a Nordic Perspective on Social Entrepreneurship Jan-U. Sandal ISBN 978-91-633-6459-4

PRAISE FOR Dr. Jan-U. Sandal`s The Social Entrepreneur Pyramid:

 “Dr. Sandal’s analysis of existing social entrepreneurship in Scandinavia emphasizes it is not a movement confined to exploiting sporadic, temporary and extremely popular goods and services as a link in the chain of the welfare state’s expanded social system. Instead, social entrepreneurship is a phenomenon representing as far as is possible a renewal and revitalisation of the democratic system itself. This condition is admirably displayed in both educational and analytical terms in Dr. Sandal’s book. I have no doubt THE SOCIAL ENTREPRENEUR PYRAMID: With a Nordic Perspective on Social Entrepreneurship will be recognized as a major contribution helping people the world over understand the democratic potential of social entrepreneurship. I am very happy Dr. Sandal has written this compelling and important work.” 

Jerr Boschee Founder and Executive Director,
The Institute for Social Entrepreneurs Interim President and CEO, Social Enterprise Alliance.



Social Entrepreneurship - a European Challenge


 Boken kan bestilles direkte fra Jan-U. Sandal

ISBN 978-82-93329-02-2

pris NOK 150,-

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Social entrepreneurship is a process contributing to economic development and democratic change of society. Social entrepreneurship is the carrying out of new combinations of the Land and Labor as input factors in a production function. The individual person who is called a social entrepreneur carries out this process of change. The social entrepreneur is a person specialized in starting and running a business in the social sector of the economy. The main objective of social entrepreneurship is to make the world a better place for everyone.

This book is the result of young scientists from Europe who analyze and decompose the meaning of the Social Entrepreneurship issue, its possibilities, solutions and the opportunities it gives to society.

Social Entrepreneurship – a European Challenge discusses critical topics presented at the 44th Summit Conversations on emerging issues in Social Entrepreneurship, hosted by National Library of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus, on January 25, 2016.

Summit Conversations on Emerging Issues in Social Entrepreneurship is a nonprofit, independent and neutral seminar series founded and chaired by Prof Fil. Dr. Jan-Urban Sandal.


Museum Science and Sandal Private Museum 

Book Cover

 Boken kan bestilles direkte fra Jan-U. Sandal

ISBN 978-82-93329-04-6

pris NOK 260,-

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Museum is a rather old form of preserving and displaying items of values and stretches far back in human history. The reasons for collecting, preserving and displaying items are many.

This book is about museum science and Sandal Private Museum. Museum science is rooted in the analysis of the life and work of the entrepreneur and the independent scientist, where the creation of artifacts based on the production function is a major area of scientific activities and interest.
Governments cannot do the same as individuals in the process of innovation, entrepreneurship or independent science. Entrepreneurs, single individuals who make judgmental decisions, create innovations.

That is one reason behind museum science and the need for creation of private museums.
Entrepreneurs are the creators of civilization. The study of their life and work is of the utmost interest for a deeper understanding of the process of innovation.


Social Entrepreneurship - Global Perspectives 

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 Boken kan bestilles direkte fra Jan-U. Sandal

ISBN 978-82-93329-06-0

pris NOK 169,-
(+ Packaging and Postage)

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Social entrepreneurship represents a new and different way of approaching the human created problems that are causing suffering and inequality throughout the world today. Creativity, analytical and abstract thinking are skills that lay at the basis of the development behind innovative approaches in social entrepreneurship.
This book presents global approaches to social entrepreneurship based on innovative thinking and action.


Book & Library International 

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 Boken kan bestilles direkte fra Jan-U. Sandal

ISBN 978-82-93329-08-4

pris NOK 379,-
(+ Packaging and Postage)

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There are possibly more than one million libraries throughout the world today. It is nevertheless obvious that not all scientific researchers or general users of libraries have access to relevant and valuable literature to the extent that is desirable and appropriate. What literature in English on inno¬vation, entrepreneur, and social entre-preneurship is available in the world libraries, and is there interest in acquiring more? The book presents analysis and results after visiting 103 libraries in 43 countries on four continents.


Social Entrepreneurship and the Law 

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 Boken kan bestilles direkte fra Jan-U. Sandal


pris NOK 299,-
(+ Packaging and Postage)

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Social Entrepreneurship is the way we change the world in our time. How are the freedoms of the social entrepreneurs regulated by law, and what is the role of law in social entrepreneurship?
This book presents scientific principles of social entrepreneurship and basic law values, human rights, democracy and rule of law.
The core of the book is analytical information on how taxation, patriotism, heritage from national culture, academics, researchers, civilian sector representatives and social entre-preneurs affect the work to improve the world.



Social Entrepreneurship - the Way we Change..... 

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 Boken kan bestilles direkte fra Jan-U. Sandal

ISBN 978-82-93329-10-7

pris NOK 349,-
(+ Packaging and Postage)

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Protestantism gave people a desire to succeed in their work and contributed to scientific and technological progress. The development of entrepreneurship made the entrepreneur the creator of civilization. Social Entrepreneurship is the way we change the world in our time. As a result, people's consciousness is slowly changing, which in the future may mean further positive changes in society and all over the world.
This book presents historical and analytical information on how social entrepreneurs work to improve the world.



Innovations in the Financing of the Civil Society Organizations 

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 Boken kan bestilles direkte fra Jan-U. Sandal

ISBN 978-82-93329-17-6

pris NOK 349,-
(+ Packaging and Postage)

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During my studies at the Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, I actively participated in the activities of student government and joined the activities of various student and scientific public organizations. Even then, I was able to grasp the enormous potential of these organizations and also realized how insufficient the financial resources they possessed were.

So, not surprisingly, after graduating from the University, I became interested in the functioning of civil society and its institutions. Scientific interest turned into a significant scientific product and in 2016 at a meeting of the specialized academic council at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv an open defense of the candidate's dissertation took place.

The scientific degree allowed me to conduct more in-depth scientific research, as well as to participate in serious scientific events and activities: international conferences, summits, internships, etc. Therefore, in May 2018, I was lucky enough to become one of the four participants who passed the competitive selection and had the opportunity to visit Fil. Dr. Jan-U. Institute to carry out research under the guidance of renowned scientist Fil. Dr., Professor Jan-Urban Sandal.