Sufficiency Economy: Thai Wisdom towards Sustainable Development

The University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce is pleased to invite you to the dialogue and panel discussion «Sufficiency Economy: Thai Wisdom towards Sustainable Development», where a Thai expert on the economic theory and practice based on Buddhist philosophy (Sufficiency Economy) will share knowledge with two Norwegian professional on social innovation, social responsibility and environmental sustainability.

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Global announcement June 2013

Fil. Dr. Jan-U. Sandal has entered into long lasting agreements to foster academic collaboration and exchange with Alytaus Kolegija University of Applied Sciences, Lithuania and Yuri Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Ukraine. As a result of the agreements Social Entrepreneurship has been introduced as an academic discipline and practical field at both universities.

Dr. Jan-Urban Sandal lectures Social entrepreneurship, the first part of Social Entrepreneurship School IBS (Innovation, Business and Society, a 20 weeks full-time course) and examines Bachelor students at Alytaus Kolegija University of Applied Sciences.
Alytaus Kolegija University of Applied Sciences is hosting the joint conference 30th Summit, Conversations on emerging issues in Sociale Entrepreneurship, a seminar series which is founded and conducted by Dr. Jan-Urban Sandal. The 30th Summit, which indicates 5 years continuous seminar series, is funded by The European Union (EU), and Department of Science and Education in Vilnius and will take place in Alytus on 22 October 2013.

Fil. Dr. Jan-U. Sandal Institute collaborates with Yuri Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University on II International Schumpeter Forum of Economics with support and funding by University of Graz (Graz Schumpeter Centre), Embassy of Austrian Republic in Ukraine, Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine, and others, and the Forum will take place in Chernivtsi on September 26 – 27, 2013.  

Fil. Dr. Jan-U. Sandal Institute’s international agreements include at the moment app. 60 000 students and 20 000 faculty members and staff and offer participants full access to activities sanctioned by the agreements regardless of race, colour, sex, religion, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or national origin. The agreements secure students and faculty members’ access to international independent science and dynamic innovative pedagogy and an extended study and scientific activity to seminar and course participants connected to Fil. Dr. Jan-U. Sandal Institute in Norway and globally.
Please distribute invitations for the 30th Summit and Schumpeter Forum of Economics to your students, faculty members, employees etc.
Enquiries and registration (free form): Fil. Dr. Jan-U. Sandal Institute.

Please, contact:
Jan-Urban Sandal

Fil. Dr. Jan-U. Sandal Institute
Excellence in Science and Education

Pressemelding Mai 2013

Fil. Dr. Jan-U. Sandal Institute har inngått langsiktige avtaler om samarbeid omfattende vitenskapelig forskning, udanning og utveksling med henholdsvis Alytaus Kolegija University of Applied Sciences, Litauen og Yuri Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Ukraina. Som følge av avtalene er sosialt entreprenørskap som respektive undervisningsfag og vitenskaps- og aktivitetsområde innført ved begge universiteter.

Dr. Jan-Urban Sandal foreleser i Social Entreprenuership, første del av Sosialentreprenørskolen INS, et 20 ukers fulltidsstudium og eksaminerer siviløkonomstudenter ved Alytaus Kolegija University of Applied Sciences.
Alytaus Kolegija University of Applied Sciences er vertskap for det 30. Stormøte for samtaler knyttet til ubesvarte spørsmål i sosialt entreprenørskap en seminarrekke som er grunnlagt og ledes av Dr. Jan-Urban Sandal. Det internasjonale 30. Stormøtet, som også indikerer 5 års sammenhengende seminarrekke, støttes av Den europeiske union (EU) og Vitenskapsdepartementet i Vilnius og arrangeres i Alytus 22. oktober 2013.

Dr. Jan-Urban Sandal Institute samarbeider med Yuri Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University om II International Schumpeter’s Forum of Economics med støtte av bl.a. Universitetet i Graz, Den Østerrikske Ambassade i Kiev og Vitenskapsdepartementet i Kiev og Forumet arrangeres i Chernivtsi 26 – 27. oktober 2013.

Fil. Dr. Jan-U. Sandal Institute’s internasjonale avtaler omfatter ca 60.000 studenter og ca 20.000 ansatte. Avtalene sikrer studenter og fakultetsmedlemmer tilgang til internasjonal uavhengig vitenskap og dynamisk innovativ pedagogikk samtidig som seminar- og kursdeltakere i Skandinavia i tilknytning til Fil. Dr. Jan-U. Sandal Institute opplever et utvidet studie- og vitenskapstilbud.